We are sure you have many questions about shopping designer fashion online on marketplace and outlet about quality of products, pricing, delivery, returns and refunds. FAQs section on FatakaFashions.com tries to answer all your questions so it may be useful for you to visit this section to find out if your question is answered here before you write to us. We are regularly adding more questions and asnweres to this page about shopping designer and bespoke fashion online so please bookmark this page and visit regularly. Happy Online Shopping!
A: Yes, we make sure that all our designer labels, brands and third-party sellers offer only genuine products on our fashion marketplace. We ask our sellers to ensure that no fake or replica products are uploaded to their shop or boutique. However, if you come across any such products, please inform us and we will take up the matter with seller.
A: Prices for all designer products listed on fatakafashions.com are decided by the sellers and we do not have a say in pricing, however most of our sellers offer Price Match facility, which means that if you find the same product available on other site at a lower price and contact the seller with 'Price Match' request, the seller will review the price and see if they can match the price available elsewhere. Please note that the product has to be in stock at other site.
A: On each product listing, there is a Blue Button to 'Request Price Match' which when clicked presents an online form to be completed and sent to seller. Our Customer Service Team also gets a copy so that we can ask the seller to respond to the request in a timely manner. Please include as much detail as possible on the form including the link where the product is available at a lower price so that seller can confirm the competitive price.
A: Our sellers are responsible for the delivery and shipping modes and charges and they decide the minimum order values for local / domestic and international deliveries. Since FatakaFashions.com is a global platform, the sellers decide on the mode of delivery including next day or tracked deliverirs and the charges, if any. Each product listing has the details about Deliver, Returns and Refund policy by the seller.
A: Our sellers are responsible about deciding the Returns and Refunds policy and you will find details on product descriptions, however if you have any specific queries, you may be able to contact the sellers or us and we will be happy to help you find the answers.
A: Yes, we do have Discount Offers and Sale on Designer Fashion Products from time to time where you can save up to 70% on designer fashion clothing, fashion accessories, designer handbags, luxury jewellery and beauty products. You can find the current [ Special Offers ] on our Special Offers section.
A: You should list your creations on fatakafashions.com for better exposure of your products. Fatakafashions.com marketplace is a place where more online visitors come to find latest fashion as compared to the web site of an independent fashion designer. Because of more products available for sale and because of marketing efforts of fatakafashions.com your products will have better chance of being found online.
A: fatakafashions.com does not charge you anything to list your products on fashion marketplace. You can register for free and start uploading your products, images and description when you are ready. We will also help you with sign up and listing of your first 25 products, if you send the details to us or if we can get them from your web site.
A: Yes, you can list them on any other web site of your choice. We do not put any restrictions on you when you have listed your products fatakafashions.com as our intention is to help you sell more and sell quickly. Online exposure for your creations is crucial and you should try all possible sources rather than depending upon only one. You can and should also try to sell your designer products on your own web site. If you do not have a web site and need help in creating one, we can help. Please contact us.